Down the Rabbit-Hole
© Tsumi Moogle '21
Characters © Themselves.

I'm going to have to make another stop in with Blakely. Hate it when a lead turns up dry, but what can you do? Always the worst when you gotta get them to dig down deep for anything else. It's the moment of hope that gets to you, having to let them down. Not yet. I need more info. Anything, anything at all.

At least the city's cleaner than this Noir-air I'm putting on. Sure, I could do with some heavily-shaded monochrome and sharp lighting effects, but the blue sky, modern architecture lined with glass will do. Could wear the trench coat out more often than just interviews, but then some other leads might slink out of sight.
Sure, a hoodie, pants, some plush high tops don't make much of an outfit for a P.I. But at least I'm comfortable.
And that's one less thing to worry about.

It's between Savil's and the old laundromat that I first see him. Tall for a rabbit, kind of trim, fur so white he might have just come out of the wash himself. And his eyes. Like dark, cut rubies. Looks like he's seen me, too.
Like any face in the crowd, a button-up, some jeans, little really note-worthy, other than the fact that he's approaching me. Nothing slipping into his hand, no quirk of his grin. He's no crony of who, or whatever it is that made off with Blakely's partner. At least, I'm pretty sure. Those folk let you know.

'Hi!' his voice is easy. No high, nasally tone like other rabbits I've heard. Okay, deep breath, time to play ball.

'Can I help you?' Business mode. I kinda have somewhere to be. He doesn't seem to be picking up the tone. His pink nose-pad is twitching, but it's not fear.

'Just saw you passing by.' He rolls his shoulders in an easy shrug, His ears are really in motion for a lop. 'I'm Teio. Nice to meet you.' Is it? Is this how people connect? Still, I'd feel more awkward by not taking his hand. It's soft, padded, but it's got strength in the squeeze.

'Icarus. Look, I'm sorry, I've actually kind of got somewhere to be.' He doesn't even look crest-fallen, he does however, look all over my face. His smile's even wider.

'Oh, no big. Maybe I'll catch you around some place, Icarus.'

'Yeah, I'm around.' Could have probably given him a bit more time, never know who might end up a lead sometime. I can feel his eyes on me as I turn to go. No footsteps, he's definitely just watching.
At least I manage to keep my tail from twitching until I get around the next corner. Really hope that old Badger has some info for me...

Even with what Blakely could dredge up, it's going to be a needle in a haystack. I'll have to source those names he offered up. Vet who can be trusted. His partner's friend's the most obvious link, but also the most risky. Who knows how he'll lash out, whether or not he's a part of the disappearance.
Damn, It'd just be easier to-

Footsteps. Pounding. Someone's escaping something. Wait. It's that rabbit. Oh shit, he looks a mess.
Fear, the great equalizer. And damn if he hasn't got it in spades.

'Icarus!' He's desperate. As if the way he keeps looking around didn't give that away. Eyes, redder than usual, ripped shirt. Looks like he's missed a couple of meals. 'Thank god..! You have to help me! Please!' He pushes himself against me, hugging me. Everyone's always expecting me to help them. Part of the job, I guess, but most of them aren't paying.

'Slow down. Teio, right?' At least I'm a names sort of dragon. 'Just breathe, and tell me, what's wrong?' Damn it all if he doesn't listen. A slow, shakey breath, before he eases back.

'It's... it's my ex.' Isn't it always? 'He's- He was a bad choice, and- and after I broke up with him the other day, he flew off the deep end.' Evidently. 'He was.. he was in my apartment when I got back, and- didn't take kindly to me rebuffing him again. I- I managed to give him the slip, but... He screamed after me that he'd find me. That he'd... he'd hunt me down.' How do people keep finding these sorts? Well, I suppose they don't wear signs advertising it. Still...

'Have you gone to the cops?' Gotta play it neutral. He's not my business. Though, if the cops could do functional Detective work, I'd be out of a job.

'Oh, they're useless. Take hours to... to arrive, and he'd be gone... I gotta... find where he lives. Get some evidence on him..! Something concrete, you know?' Those ruby eyes are staring, hopeful. It's like looking over the edge of a cliff, I can just feel the threads of the universe teetering under my feet. My chance to step back.
I plunge headfirst over the cliff.

'...I might be able to help you.' Besides, this sort of thing shouldn't be too hard to solve. And once it's settled, well, I dunno what this rabbit's got, but, I am running a business, here. 'I'm sort of... in the business of locating folks.' The teary cheeks fill with gratitude.

'You- You are..? Please, help me put this guy away..!' I don't have the heart to tell him it rarely works out that way.

'Sure. Let's head somewhere quiet, and you can tell me about him.' A trip to the nearby watering hole, a drink or two, and I should get everything I need.
Well, other than to get him to stop hugging on my arm.

It's probably just as well Teio came running my way when he did. Blakely's last few leads have been less than helpful. It's all info I already have. Last known sighting, who was there, the usual stuff. It's the last few hours where it all just falls apart.
The rabbit's leads have been, well, juicier, to be certain.

The first guy was a weasel. Decent seeming guy, 'scept for a hell of a shiner. Jumped a bit when I mentioned I was a friend of Teio's. Whoever his Ex is must be a real scum-bag.
'Oh man, Grey's always been...' he had to lower his voice, glance around to be sure no one was looking. 'A rabbit-hole of crazy. Dunno what Teio saw in him, to tell you the truth.'

'Yeah, I can tell. Anything about his recent movements?' His eyes dart about a little. Was he considering the risk to me, or to him?

'...Not since this.' He gestures to his face. A couple of his fingers are splinted too. 'Grey's gone to ground. You'd probably have to talk to Ricky. He's closer to Grey than me. Just... Be careful, man. You don't know how deep this goes.'

'Appreciate it.' Looks like I'll have to increase my fee. A lot.

It took me a few days, but I eventually found all of Teio's leads. Ricky, a tiger, looked like he could have benched a truck. Looked like he could have shit himself when I mentioned Grey.
All he had for me was this Rat, Archer down by the docks. Old friends, Ricky had told me.

When I got there, Archer's door was open. Signs of a struggle.
No blood, just... bones. Jesus Christ. Old friends, fast enemies.
What have I got myself into?

That's the topic of consideration as I make my way back to the office. Actually, it's just my apartment, but, offices cost rent that I can't afford right now. Hell, the apartment's tight as well.

Archer's door isn't the only one left open. The lock's been forced, by the scrape marks around it. My blood runs cold.
It's dark inside.
Leaning against the doorframe, it's a struggle to listen, my heart pounding in my ears like I don't already know how bad this could be.
Nothing. At least, I hope so. Better to be safe than sorry.
As unused as I am to the feel of my magnum, in my line of work you can't be too careful, after all.
Thankfully, I've only had to point, never shoot. So far.

Pushing the door in, it's clear someone had fun. Pictures strewn on the floor, the couch in the living space is upended, Files thrown all over the floor. That's going to take a long time to reorganize.
Stepping on the outside of my feet, I keep my footsteps as silent as I can. Would it really have killed the landlord to put in some carpeting..?
My bedroom's in a similar state. Whoever it was, left nothing untouched. My kick collection strewn about, the matress up-ended. Books everywhere.
But not the person who did it.

Turning to step back out, and get to cleaning, I catch sight of the switch-blade in the door. The note pinned by it looks hastily, messily scrawled. That's a touch I didn't expect.

Trying the lights, they click on without hassle. That's a small relief, I suppose.

'StAy AwAy FrOm MY RaBbIt. If U nO whAt'S goOd For U.'

Well, I guess that answers the burning question.
Between the discoveries from today, and all of
this, that watering hole's looking real good.
Not like these files are going anywhere right now. I double-check that the door closes before I head out.

It feels like I've been cursed.
Blakely's investigation's cold, hell, I'd say dead in the water, though I don't want to admit it to him.
As far as his partner is concerned, his best hope would be a name and face on the milk-cartons and hope for the best.
The apartment wasn't too hard to piece together. Nothing irreplaceable was broken, except the feeling of safety. Took me three solid days to refile all those folders. Nothing looks stolen.
Teio's ex is as mad as a bag of cats. And he owes a not unsubstantial tab at the watering hole.

Even just trying to air out my thoughts, wandering the city doesn't do me many favours. Wolf, he'd said. And damn if it doesn't feel like they're flavour of the month. Everywhere. And any one of them could be him. While I know there's plenty of danger in this line of work, it doesn't alleviate the feeling that sometimes it just doesn't feel worth it.

A tap on the shoulder, and I turn quicker than I probably should have.
Thank god, wait, no. Damnit. Take your hand off the six-shooter, Icarus. Jumpy much.
It takes a moment for the fight-or-flight to abate. Remember your breathing. Relax your shoulders.

'Icarus, are you alright..? You look like hell.' I wish I could appreciate the concern in those eyes.

'Yeah, sorry. Just been a.. rough week.' Wouldn't do to pin this on him. Not his fault he stuck his dick in crazy. ...Well.

'It looks it, one of the guys mentioned you spoke to him. Any luck..?' Seeing his eyes glance about, it's almost a relief to feel a similar hesitation. Still, if he saw him, I'd know.

'Only in getting his attention.' The rabbit's eyes widen a little bit. Oh well, time for it. 'He trashed my apartment. Made a threat or two.'

Teio claps his hands to his muzzle. He steps back. That's when I notice. He's had a wardrobe change. If he weren't a client, I might not be able to help myself admiring the drape of those camo pants, or the thick high-tops he's wearing. Maybe I'll file that look away for a rainy day when things aren't so... fucked.

'Oh gods, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' He sounds it. 'I never should have gotten you involved. I didn't think he'd be keeping an eye out on-' I have to hold up a hand.

'It's not your fault. It's not the first time I've been in danger. Won't be the last.' I mean, that's bluster talking, but I'd like to be proven wrong by the universe.
The rabbit steps up, arms open. No. I step back. I don't need, or want the camaraderie. Especially if we're under observation.

'Sorry, I just.. Thought you might need.. Never mind. Then, can I.. offer you lunch?' He taps his foot behind himself. It's almost pointed. 'It's on me, promise.'

'Tempting, but I'll pass.' might regret it later, if I can't come up with something for the Badger. Teio looks crestfallen, but nods. 'I'm still keeping an ear out. I'll be in touch.' Hopefully with good news next time. Continuing on my way, I can't help another glance at those kicks. Damn.

He must be eager for information, because he keeps dropping by. The apartment, finding me when I'm questioning folk, or staking out a place. He must have a nose for me by now.
Not the most comforting of thoughts, but, I guess his heart's in the right place.

Every time though, he's offering food. Decent stuff, too. He's got good picks, but it almost feels like a bribe at this point. No matter how many times I turn him down, he gives me this wry smile. He just accepts it as he nods and heads off. Can't say how weird it is to remind a guy that his ex could be waiting at my door next time 'cause he wants to offer me a bento box, or chat about how my other cases are going.

Still, one last shred of info came up on Blakely's case. Some sound snooping, and I got a little bit of footage from a store he passed by that night. Drunk as the proverbial, and staggering his way eastward, towards the docks, it seems. Looks like my new direction.

It can be a rough world, the docks. Plenty of intensive labour, and a lot of intensive menace. A man can make a quick buck here, if he's willing to shed a little sweat and blood. Tears are optional, and preferred only behind the rim of a dirty glass.
Information isn't easy to come by, when you're trying to get the workers to go back a few weeks.
Especially at an hour when most would have been in a state not dissimilar to the schrodinger that is Blakely's partner.
Bars along the main strip that he most likely took aren't prime places for info. The staff there keep to themselves, and if they remember anything, they're not about to spill for free. They know they're crooks about it. They don't care, either.
After the 6th bar gave me 'There might have been a wolf in here 'round that time. Couldn't be too sure.' and turned to pour another beer to a lupine patron without so much as a request, but an easy 'I'll add it to your tab, Frank.' I saw myself out. Assholes.

Rain. Seems fitting. Just hard enough to drown out the general silence of the night, not enough to cower under, or run with a disused newspaper overhead, though. I tug my hood up all the same.
I'll just have to try again tomorrow. What choice have I got?

Glancing up from the shine of the street-light on the footpath, I'd reckon I've got the choice to go another direction, going by the outline of the figure standing ahead. Not walking, just watching. Between two street-lights, they're almost a shadow.
A quick glance along the road, I let a truck roar past, and step quickly towards the opposite side.
The rain can't quite hide the sound of boots that fall into step behind me. Shit.
The shadowy figure's moved too. They're crossing to flank. A third body steps out of an alley up ahead.
The pointed look on the tiger's face is obvious. Doesn't take a P.I. To figure out what they're about, or who's paying them. A firm shove from behind and the choice is made for me.
Here's hoping I only have to point the trusty six-shooter.

There's not even time for an introductory 'I know who sent you' before the tiger's fist hits me like a truck. Between the gut-punch and the wall I hit, I question if breathing is going to be an option any time soon.

'Grey mentioned you'd be snoopin' around.' sneers a rat. A punk of a thing, spikey haired, chains, more rioter than anarchist. 'Sends his regards too.' He doesn't hit as hard, but he's unabashed about going for the face. The tang of copper on my tongue is a concern as I find myself buckling to a kneel.

'Matter of fact, he said he was keen on meeting you himself.' Fuck, that's a Rhino. The way his kick crashes me to the ground, I'd say he's almost playing with me, or Grey doesn't want me broken before we meet. No ribs broken at least, but all I can do is cough and wheeze, trying to slip a hand under me.

The rat has the common decency, or survival instincts at least, to hesitate when the magnum points shakily up at them. The tiger though, must have seen his share of scuffles, as he kicks it out of my hand with a snarl. The heavy clatter of it, spinning into a wall is drowned out momentarily by a hell of a 'CRACK' And the sound, and sight of the rhino crumpling. There's a fifth in the alley.

'Icarus! Get up!' The rabbit?! What the hell's he doing here? He's already on the tiger like a beast twice his size. Maybe it's the shock, or the appreciation for the cavalry, but I manage to get to my feet. The rat's looking terrified. Staring at the Rhino, at the rabbit, then at me. Without his other friends to add to his loom, he's just a punk.
He's lumpier than the punching bags at the gym, and doesn't take a punch nearly as well. A particularly lucky kick to the gut staggers him, and then it's just a right hook to drop him. I'd feel worse about the sight if he hadn't just attempted to walk me to his boss.
It's about then that I get to see Teio throw the tiger over his shoulder, and with a firm kick, leave him with an interesting story for the ER.

His shirt's ripped, but otherwise, it looks like his surprise attack served him well. Nothing else but a bloody nose. Without adrenaline pumping through me, the aches start sinking in, and I can't keep up without a grip on the wall. Between my gut and ribs, I won't be breathing easy for a week at least. Tongue probing carefully, I wince. Might have a loose tooth, too. Should have punched the punk harder.

'You alright..?' Teio lifts my chin carefully, appraising. 'Nice recovery there.'

'Yeah, thanks... for the save.' I manage to gasp out. Worst part is a trip to the watering hole would probably be a stupid idea right now. 'What are you... doing here?'

'What, a rabbit can't just enjoy a street brawl in the rain?' It hurts to laugh. He eases my arm about him. 'Come on. Let's get you patched up, not to mention you're soaked.' Not like I've got that much of a choice as I limp along with him.

It's hard to recall the trek. Between the pain, the remembering to breathe, and the incessant probing of the tongue about that tender tooth. But between some stairs, a thick locked door, and the click of a lightswitch, I soon find a towel around my shoulders, a couch under me, and the business end of a bottle of iodine being introduced to the cut on my swelling lip.

'Honestly, I was hitting up a bar. Busy enough that I figured it might be safe.' Teio murmurs as he works, dabbing here and there. Fuck it stings. He gets my hoodie and shirt off to take a look. I don't miss the momentary gaze he runs up and down, but he at least behaves himself as he gently feels along my side. A soft hiss of breath as his fingerpads trace earns a nod. 'Nothing broken, but I might bind it all the same.' The bandages are tight, and the stability is appreciated. 'Saw you wander in, and have no luck with the Barkeep. They won't talk about Grey.'

'Or anyone else, apparently.' Is all I can muster. I try not to pout when I can help it. Don't always succeed. Teio chuckles and nods. 'Hey, Teio.' His eyes look up. That earnest, honest look again. Damnit. '...Thanks.'

'Anytime.' Is that heartfelt response. The touch of his hand on the less-tender side of my cheek. His warmth is nice after the chill of the rain. And the general shit-headery of the night. '...You think you'd be able to choke down some pizza?' He offers with a smile. 'I'll go grab it, you rest here and dry off a bit?'

Every ounce of my professionalism is telling me no. And to stump my ass back out that door.
The tiny ounce left of me that got its ass kicked in an alleyway is happy to step up instead.
'...Yeah, that sounds good.' The rabbit's smile all but glows. Damn, didn't expect that. Or the kiss he plants on my cheek before he stands up to put on another shirt and go get a pizza.


I don't claim to be a wise dragon. Smart, maybe. I don't think I could have picked up on Teio's intentions if he'd been waving a banner in front of my face. A point he reminds me of at least a couple of times over the week.

It's... novel, having someone who wants to be around me. Who's interested in me. Having someone to ease an arm around, even smile with. It's a nice counterbalance to the fading ache of my ass-kicking.

He notices, when I glance around. A squeeze on my hand, and that smile that makes my heart swell in my chest. He's pretty sure Grey won't bother us for a while, not after sending a bunch of his cronies to the ER. Too much heat.

I'm not so sure, but, I am sure that I could probably take on another half dozen goons, feeling those fingers between mine.

Being a rabbit, of course, there's more than a little air of mischief to him. He can't seem to help resting his feet on mine at restaraunts we sit at. The press and rock of his shoes, the gleam in his eyes, he knows -just- what he's doing. Damn if I haven't blushed in a while. Having your cheeks go purple sure makes things a bit obvious. He's good at least, about taking other options slower. He didn't take the initiative to suggest we fuck, for instance. In a way, I'm glad for the easing.
Even if he takes almost every opportunity when we're alone at the office to nudge me over, to perch those perky hips of his on me. Sitting on my chest, resting my head between his feet while we talk.
Or when the hour's getting on, lazing out atop me, in his best imitation of a blanket. He's a little bigger than me, so I can't say he's not good at it. It's kind of comforting, too. Well, when he's not rubbing noses, or laying kisses. I'd almost feel sorry for Grey, missing out on such a prime slice of rabbit. But crazy is as crazy does.

It didn't take him long to work out my thing for shoes, either. He had an inkling, he claims. Only a couple of type of people wear high tops like mine, and he put his chips on the right number.
God, it's nice to indulge. Getting to hug them against me nearly every night, and feel the slow drum of his toes within. The rocking knead of fresh treads, and playful grind of his heel in my lap.
I don't know if he's in the same boat, but by the smile on his face, and the languid grope of his hand in his lap when I lift one to press my nose against the leather, he's getting something out of my enjoyment. I'll have to work out his buttons sometime. You can bet I'll be smashing them hard in kind. For now, I'll make do with that appreciative smile as I go to town, lips to tread.

Eventually, he shifts his kicks, and grins at me. I've never seen a herbivore wear a devilish grin quite like he does. It suits him. Inclining his head, his eyes glance to the floor, and then back to me. The raise of his eyebrows clues me in and I ease off the couch, laying out on the carpeting.
I don't know why all this does it for me. But I'm not going to turn it down.
He stands up, looking from my perspective like the giant he intends to imitate. One foot rests on my thigh, bracing as he looks to me. A swallow, and a nod opens the door for him to do what he wants.
His weight settles, and the other foot presses up on my lower abdominals.

I'm still tender, but he's careful. Smirking all the while as he brushes his soles, playfully grinding down over me. A slow stride, a press on my chest. Ouch. The momentary loss of breath is easy to reclaim when his kick brushes my cheek, his treads loom over my face, and he steps off me.

His footsteps are soft, almost prowling as he walks around me, a broad sole pins my hand down, kneading softly, before he walks across me again. My forearm gets pressed down, then my chest again. Fuuuck if he doesn't feel good, stepping all over.
Strolling off my other side, he prowls again. Steps dragged, brushing those soles pointedly to draw my attention after them. Follow them. Past my legs, down to my wriggling tail. I glance up to him.
He's turgid as a rock. Hand working slow, pumping as he looks down to me, licking his lips.
Oh damn, he's -loving- this.
As am I, he points out by resting one sole on the aching tent in my shorts. Gods, right there. He grinds slowly, rocking. I can't help rocking back, humping.
He switches feet, the other resting up on my chest again,with the other resuming it's toying press.
Staring down at me, I can see the want in his eyes. The way he bites his lip helps give it away too. As do the peppering drops of pre.

Gasping under him, I groan a little dizzily. Between the building wash of pleasure, and the lack of proper breaths, I can only grip at the floor as lights blink before my eyes. His hand works a frenzy.
I seize first, groaning thickly. Pumping against those treads, the idea that these are my only shorts right now is the furthest thing from my mind as I cake them.
And then his voice rolls out in a similar tone. I can't help a bleary grin of victory, even as the thick, hot ropes of his release paint over my muzzle and cheeks. Fuck yes..

His kicks ease off me, before the familiar weight of him blanketing atop me registers. It's been a while for sure, and damn if it wasn't a good one. My well kneaded body doesn't want to respond, as the comfortable blanket of sleep layers in over me. Warm. Comfortable. Elated.

Damnit, the effort to pull myself from that bleary pall is unfair. I blame Archer's place. Those bones.
Blinking my eyes open, Teio's there, watching me with a chin on his hands. Those ruby eyes inscrutable.
'Everything okay?' he asks warmly, adjusting a hand to boop my nose. I'm being stupid.
'Yeah. Though, maybe we should move to the bed. My back's going to be killing me.' He chuckles as he gets up and offers me a hand.

Even with Teio's help and know-how over the last couple of weeks, the dock population are still as resolute in giving nothing away, with regards to Blakely's beau. Only one guy, a fox, had mentioned seeing someone like him about that time. Heading into bar #6.
I get the feeling there was more to come, before his Squirrel friend clipped him around the ears and told him to shut up. Damnit.

Still, I know when my welcome's been overstayed.

There's no accompaniment of thugs to greet me this time, as I step outside.
My phone does start going off though. It's Teio.
'Hey Bun, what's-'

'You didn't take my warnings.' That's not Teio. Oh shit. Fuck.

'...Grey?' Please no, anyone else.
His chuckle is all the confirmation I need. And don't want. 'What have you done with Teio?!'

'Oh, he's just fine, for now.' It's going to be this sort of game, then. Damnit Bun, I'm sorry. 'But, you really should come check on him. We can... sort things out. No goons. No police. No... surprises.'

'Why don't you just let him go, and leave us be. This doesn't have to go any further.' Diplomacy's always a long shot, especially with this kind of guy. I'm surprised when he actually pauses.

'Why don't you just get your ass over here, and your boyfriend doesn't end up in some
deep trouble. He can say hello to Archer.' Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

'Alright, alright..! I'm coming now. Just don't hurt-' The call ends before I can finish. No cops, so he's probably got people watching. And if I take too long...
Turning down a street, I start sprinting.

After weeks of seeing Teio's place as a home, as a comfortable refuge, and familiar flutter in my chest, in the current ebb of sundown, it's got a real ominous look to it as I come to a stop. My hand's already gripping my six-shooter as I take the stairs. I'm not going to just point it. Not now. Not for this ass-hole.
The door's open. Good. This time, the element of surprise is mine. Listening at the door, and turning off the safety, I can hear a muffled whimper. Teio.
If I were in Grey's shoes, I know just where I'd be waiting.
I swing the door in, pistol pointing in the gloom.
Except for a movement behind me. I turn to shoot, but damn he's fast!
One hand on my wrist, the other at my scruff, and the only thing I get the jump on, is the floor. Face-first.

My head's pounding. God damnit, what hit me- Wait, Teio!
The bite of rope at my ankles and wrists behind my back is a new and real unwelcome sensation. As is the realisation that I'm naked.
It takes some effort to wriggle over, away from the wall. I'm a little surprised to find myself on the bun's bed.
I'm more surprised, to find Teio seated nearby, watching me. Grinning. Those ruby eyes are sharp. What the fuck...?

'Bun, you're okay...?' I manage to get out. Speaking's awkward when coming to from being knocked out. 'Where is he? What happened?'

He moves over, from the chair, to the bed, and rests a hand on my cheek, giving me a soft pet.

'What happened? Oh, where to begin...' His tone is airy, but the grin on his face says he's got this rehearsed. The world starts to fall out from under me. I'm not sure if my heart's pounding more now, or when I received that call.
'I suppose it started when I saw you. Just the colour, then your scent, the feel of you... I had to learn more. Of course, a blue, fuzzy dragon rather sticks out. Information on you wasn't hard to find.'
No. No, no, no... 'A Private Investigator? It wouldn't be too hard. Get someone to hit me, sob about the horrific, crazed ex, and you were already in hand.'

'Teio... What are you talking about-' He curls his fingers over my muzzle and shakes his head. No interupting the monologue, it seems.
'After that, well, There's nothing quite like leading a Private eye about by the nose. Dangle the odd carrot on a string, make a display of a guy to get his friends to play ball and feed you false information, it's surprisingly easy.' The weasel's words... I can see Archer's bones still. I can imagine Teio going at him like he had that tiger in the alley. Scrunching up my face, I feel the hot welling of tears. So this has all been...

'When you have a reputation in a place like this, it can be easy to stifle information, you know. Impede your work, keep you in the danger zone... And then the fun part. Paying those guys off to beat your ass in the alley, just so I could white knight in. Maybe if you hadn't been so stupid, and picked up the vibes I'd been putting out, we could have had more time together.' God, no. How did I miss it... Right from the start. 'Not that it hasn't been fun, of course. Even if I worked myself up so much that I nearly made a meal of you a couple weeks ago. But, truth be told, I've had my fill. So... I think this is where we break up. Or perhaps in your case, down.' I can't stop sobbing. Fear. Pain. I'm not sure. Help. Damnit. No...!

He moves down, trailing a finger down my form as he goes. Bastard. Get away!
'By the by, I wouldn't feel too poorly about your friend. Blakely? I'll be sure to drop by sometime, and reunite him with his boyfriend. It's the least I can do for him introducing me to you.'
It's not hard to imagine the wolf stumbling into a bar. Finding a friendly pair of ruby eyes, a hand draping around his shoulders and leading him somewhere out of sight. Just like-

His jaws are yawning at my feet. Even quaking, my breath catches in my chest at the sight. No way, no -way-! Teio doesn't even seem perturbed, muzzle closing at my ankles. Shit! He's being fucking casual about tasting me. Suckling. He wouldn't! Please! No!
The grip of his throat drags me down. It's only a couple of inches, but the hot, slimy walls aren't letting go. Stop it. Stop it! Struggling's useless, I can't get a hand free. Damnit, how many times has he done this?! How many people?
'Teio- Teio please..!' I can only sob. Between heartbreak and betrayal, there's not much of me left to shout. 'Stop this..! I'll leave! You won't see me again!' He winks. That's the point, those eyes say as he swallows again.

He crests my knees without hassle, crawling his way up the bed. The sway of his hips, the casual growl low in his throat. How many nights did I fall asleep to that sound soothing me? I'm such an idiot...!
My thighs, my hips. He's not even straining as he lips over my wrists. All the way down, roiling flesh keeps trying to pack me down, and all I can offer is the feeblest of struggles. I don't want this...! Please! Someone...! Anyone!'

I can't stop my descent. He's like a snake working his way up, and all I can do is curl up inside him.
It's too hot. Wet. And too tight. There's no way I'm going to fit, surely..! He's lying. It's all a lie. It has to be..!

Swallow after swallow, I sob as he keeps working his way up. Inching up my torso, my chest...
He rests a hand on my head, and yawns wide. No! NO!!
'TEIO!!' I scream.
Everything vanishes into dark, undulating heat. The sound of his body around me, the pounding thump of his heart, the bellows of his lungs, the thick gluts and glrrns and every other foetid terrible noise no one should hear.
And I'm at the fucking centre of it. I can feel him kneading over me as I struggle.

'Shh. You just get good and comfortable in there.' How can someone sound so smug about this?!
'Oh, and please. Call me Gray.'

He belches like thunder. Air is wrung from the gut around me. My head's swimming. No! Stop... I don't want- ...Blakely... Run.
