Ashley Benson has had big tits for a while now, I mean probably since puberty, but we only found out about her when she had that one acting job that happened to be a huge hit of a show that I’ve never seen….but I have seen her tits in various states of naked because she’s been famous for so long the tits have been around….
She unfortunately checked out of celebrity, not because I liked her as a celebrity, but big tit lives matter and when a host body falls off, they end up fat and that’s just a loss for everyone involved.
Luckily, she has been making some kind of comeback in the last few years and apparently she’s still got her tits…and in her comeback there’s been weightloss.
My theory is that she was dyke for a while, just a mean old fake lesbian to claim LGBTQ, but still a lesbian…
Then she went back to cock, started taking loads because she missed it, and now her body is getting the testorterone it needed from the cum inside her, rather than some angry bitch in construction boots and flannel with a strap on….and her body is hormonally regulating itself…
Or she’s starving herself, on drugs, who cares because the gunt has gone and the tits have stayed and that’s really where we want to be.

Posted in:Ashley Benson