Anonymous1: Enough already, you fucking son of a bitch, fuck your mother, leave my waifus alone, you fucking bastard, you are a piece of shit, you make me sick, look for a job
lazarus: @Anonymous: Hey, listen, No offense, kid, I'm a big fan of the tough-guy act, I think you love the fact you want people to idolize you though your hatred.
No one does, because alot of people are going places offline in their lives, becoming a rule 34 uploader, is all people want to do, but somehow want to beat everyone out of it, you've tried to find a way to beat that out of us, haven't you?
Tried to turn us all in some kind of cynical people who despise what you do. So, I'm telling you, take that responsibility seriously; stop being such a hard-ass, otherwise you're gonna have to answer to me.
TheDR: @Anonymous: Aww some little bitch needs to get his ass raped it looks like. Luz will NEVER be your waifu, she's in a lesbian raltionship, and the collector would kill you if you tried to make them your waifu. So shut it or bend over.
No one does, because alot of people are going places offline in their lives, becoming a rule 34 uploader, is all people want to do, but somehow want to beat everyone out of it, you've tried to find a way to beat that out of us, haven't you?
Tried to turn us all in some kind of cynical people who despise what you do. So, I'm telling you, take that responsibility seriously; stop being such a hard-ass, otherwise you're gonna have to answer to me.
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